This session will definitely be one of the highlights of the 5783 Ohr Chadash school year. Students, teachers and parent volunteers will all agree that they had a wonderful day.
The morning began with the older classes making hamantaschen pizza, which tastes a lot better than traditional hamantaschen eaters can imagine. While Giborim and Chaverim were creating these culinary masterpieces, with the assistance of Morah Zehavah and Gesher graduate, Sabrina, Morah Judy and Morah Marina, with an assist from Allegra, were regaling Shorashim and Kochavim with stories of Purim throughout the ages.
All classes convened in Menchel Hall, where Morah Lynne helped the students practice the Purim songs they would perform for the assemblage later in the morning.
Upstairs, in the ballroom, parent volunteers were being prepped as to the particulars of the Purim Carnival games they would be overseeing, how the scoring worked, and how many tickets should be awarded for participating in the various events. Some parents were helping set up the prize distribution center where the tickets could be redeemed at the end of the day. Others aided in setting up the food court, where hundreds of hamantaschen were waiting to be devoured.
At 10:30 AM, the Carnival began, the students having a hard time deciding which of the sixteen activities to try first. For more than an hour the children were occupied with table top games, such as Hoop-De-Doo basketball, Stanley Cup air hockey competition, Head-to-Head Shuffleboard, and Skill Ball. On the floor were activities that included Mr. Ed Ring Toss, Football Hero Touchdown, Just For Kicks and GOOOAAALLL soccer play, Trampoline Toss, and Mutant Hershey Kisses Toss. The children reached stellar heights playing Saturn’s Rings and Jupiter’s Rings, and they honed their aviation skills when they took air flight To The Next Dimension, trying to navigate their planes through space portals.
Happily, Rabbi Wise of CEHHHB, in leprechaun garb, graced the Carnival and was thrilled to see the joyously engrossed children and parents. Although he didn’t try his hand at any of the activities, he did hazard a guess at one of the favorite games. The high point of the Carnival was Hooray for Hershey. Everyone had to estimate the number of Hershey Kisses in a jar without going over the total amount. Amazingly, Levi of Kochavim hit the amount exactly on the head, 237. For this awesome feat, he won the entire jar of kisses. Don’t forget to share it with Chloe and Sarabeth!
It was difficult to break away from the Carnival, but the parents were anxiously awaiting the children’s vocal performance of traditional and
modern Purim songs. Morah Lynne’s guitar kept the youngsters in tune and many parents sung along to the familiar refrains. The performance was
well received by one and all. The imaginatively attired youngsters then lined the ballroom stage for the Costume Contest Competition. It was a tough decision for Judge Morah Marina, but she sagely decided that all the children were winners.
All the spent energies of the morning needed to be replenished, and youth and adults made their way to the beverage and hamantaschen-laden
tables. Ten varieties were available, enough of a selection to please the most discerning palate.
Before leaving with their Shalach Manot baskets, provided by Ohr Chadash, the students realized the fruits of their morning’s labors, redeeming the tickets won for actual prizes. Smiling cherubic faces and beaming parental demeanors left CEHHHB, a bit reluctantly but most assuredly having enjoyed the Purim festivities.
Heartfelt appreciation goes out to all our parents who helped make the Carnival an overwhelming success.
Thank you to our parents at home who so creatively dressed your children for the day, so they could be so involved in the spirit of the moment.
Thank you to Richie and Jason of the CEHHHB staff who helped in the physical set-up of the ballroom so that everything was ready in a timely fashion.
Thank you to Zachary and Allegra for being the giving and considerate young people that you are.
To all our wonderful Ohr Chadash Families and Staff who participated in our Kosher for Passover Candy Sale, we extend our boundless gratitude for
aiding in sustaining the endeavors of our school. Please make sure your child gave in his/her packet. If not, it can be given to Morah Shari this Sunday, March 12th.